週末にトレーニングを詰め込み過ぎない方がよい理由 ~Why to avoid cramming your training at Weekends~

【おすすめ動画】【おすすめ動画一覧】【期分け・練習計画】2018年2月2日 06:00


It's a Friday and hopefully we are planning a weekend full of cycling 🚵. Sharing some info that we have been going through with our clients is avoiding the temptation to 'cram' lots of volume in over the weekend. Simple rule to remember - More Hours does not alway mean a better fitness. • Lots of volume in cold conditions can lower immune system • Make one of your days at the weekend more specific to your goal event - look at techniques and intensity • Don't get caught doing the same training as everyone else if you need to focus on specifics. Work on what YOU need to do. Have a great weekend on the 🚴 and stay safe.

出典 YouTube・Dig Deep Coaching:Why to avoid cramming your training at Weekends